
Publication du Mois

Publication du Mois

Jézabel Couppey-Soubeyran, Pierre Delandre et Augustin Sersiron, "Le pouvoir de la monnaie. Transformons la monnaie pour transformer la société", 2024, Les liens qui libèrent.

Dernières publications


Abele, C., Bénassy-Quéré, A., & Fontagné, L. (2024). The impact of financial tightening on firm productivity: Maturity matters. Journal of International Money and Finance. <hal-04564467, version 1>

Burie, A., Devetter, F.-X., & Valentin, J. (2024). Pourquoi former des « non-qualifiés » ? Le cas des agents d’entretien et des aides à domicile. Formation Emploi. <halshs-04617529 >

Calabrese, R., Dombrowski, T., Mandel, A., Pace, R. K., & Zanin, L. (2024). Impacts of extreme weather events on mortgage risks and their evolution under climate change: A case study on Florida. European Journal of Operational Research. <halshs-04409393, version 1>

Cariolle, J., Elkhateeb, Y., & Maurel, M. (2024). Misinformation technology: Internet use and political misperceptions in Africa. Journal of Comparative Economics. <halshs-04432322, version 1>

Chatelain J.-B., & Kirsten R. (2024). Wealth in the Quadratic Loss Function of the Ramsey Malinvaud Cass Koopmans Model of Optimal Savings. <halshs-04612845>

Costa‐Font, J., Fleche, S., & Pagan, R. (2024). The welfare effects of time reallocation: Evidence from Daylight Saving Time. Economica. <hal-04581752>

Costa-Font, J., Fleche, S., & Pagan, R. (2024). The labour market returns to sleep. Journal of Health Economics. <hal-04331898, version 1>

Černý, M., & Grabisch, M. (2024). Incomplete cooperative games with player-centered information. Discrete Applied Mathematics. <hal-04356834, version 1>

Dupuy, J., Barnay, T., & Defebvre, E. (2024). Clear as a bell? Policy stringency and elderly health during Covid-19. Social Science & Medicine. <hal-04549298, version 1>

Emmerling, J., Kornek, U., & Zuber, S. (2024). Multidimensional welfare indices and the IPCC 6th Assessment Report scenarios. Ecological Economics. <halshs-04524550, version 1>

Facchini, F., Massin, S., & Brookes, K. (2024). The relationship between institutional quality, trust and private savings. Journal of Institutional Economics. <hal-04379761, version 1>

Farchy, J., & M’Barki, J. (2024). Measuring cultural diversity: Policy and methodological issues. European Journal of Cultural Management and Policy. <hal-04494712, version 1>

Fontagné, L., & Limardi, M. (2024). The Generalized System of Preferences and NGO activism. Journal of Development Economics. <halshs-04408964, version 1>

Fontagné, L., Reshef, A., Santoni, G., & Vannelli, G. (2024). Automation, global value chains and functional specialization. Review of International Economics. <halshs-04346960, version 1>

Galbiati, R., Henry, E., & Jacquemet, N. (2024). Learning to cooperate in the shadow of the law. Journal of the Economic Science Association. <hal-04511257, version 1>

Gazier, B. (2024). Postface : Carrières des salariés non qualifiés : de la variété des blocages à la recherche de marges de manœuvre. Formation Emploi. 

Goussé, M., Jacquemet, N., & Robin, J.-M. (2024). De quoi l’homogamie économique est-elle le signe ? Une application à l’Allemagne de l’Ouest : Revue Économique. <hal-04508787, version 2>

Grabisch, M., & Yasar, M. A. (2024). Frequentist belief update under ambiguous evidence in social networks. International Journal of Approximate Reasoning. 

Hirtzlin, I. (2024). Paradoxes d’une approche centrée sur les ressources et l’efficience des établissements de santé. L’exemple de la chirurgie ambulatoire : Economie appliquée. ⟨hal-04495228⟩

Martin-Lapoirie, D., McColl, K., Gallopel-Morvan, K., Arwidson, P., & Raude, J. (2024). Health protective behaviours during the COVID-19 pandemic: Risk adaptation or habituation? Social Science & Medicine. <hal-04389247, version 1>

Massé, G. (2024). Law professions, low regulation: Assessing French notarial competition through (de)regulation indexes. <halshs-04567496>

Prati, A., & Saucet, C. (2024). The causal effect of a health treatment on beliefs, stated preferences and memories. Journal of Health Economics. <hal-04512861, version 1>

Qu, X., & Dong Xuan, B. (2024). Unilateral Dominance and Social Discounting.  <hal-04487520>

Quéinnec, E., & Facchini, F. (2024). La nature a-t-elle besoin de l’administration ? Pour une réévaluation de la propriété privée et du contrat dans la gestion publique de l’environnement. Gestion et Management Public. <hal-04540574, version 1>

Saucet, C., & Hagenbach, J. (2024). Motivated Skepticism.  <hal-03770685, version 2>

Thuilliez, J., & Touré, N. (2024). Opinions and vaccination during an epidemic. Journal of Mathematical Economics. <hal-04490900, version 1>

Zickfeld, J., Scigala, K., Elbaek, C. T., Michael, J., Tønnesen, M. T., Levy, G., Ayal, S., Peer, E., Chou, E. Y., Glogowsky, U., Schudy, S., Feldman, Y., Kanngiesser, P., Mazar, N., Schindler, S., Weiss, A., Nosenzo, D., Capraro, V., Hertwig, R., Mitkidis, P. (2024). I Solemnly Swear I’m Up To Good: A Megastudy Investigating the Effectiveness of Honesty Oaths on Curbing Dishonesty. <halshs-04555561, version 1>


Amossé, T., Askenazy, P., Baghioni, L., Lagerie, P. B., & Benhamou, S. (2023). Que sait-on du travail ? Grand Format-Sc Po.

Andersen, J. V., Cerqueti, R., & Riccioni, J. (2023). Rational expectations as a tool for predicting failure of weighted k-out-of-n reliability systems. Annals of Operations Research. <>

Barnay, T., & Defebvre, E. (2023). Work strains and disabilities in French workers: A career-long retrospective study. Labour. <>

Bazillier, R., Gibertini, B., & Jackson, S. (2023). Gold and diamond artisanal mining in Liberia: Under the umbrella of (in)formality? Resources Policy. <10.1016/j.resourpol.2023.104287>

Bazillier, R., Magris, F., & Mirza, D. (2023). Labor Mobility Agreements and Exit of Migrants: Evidence from Europe. Kyklos. <>

Bellora, C., & Fontagné, L. (2023). EU in search of a carbon border adjustement mechanism. Energy Economics. <>

Bich, P., Chateauneuf, A., & Ventura, C. (2023). Social tension order: A new approach to inequality reduction. Journal of Mathematical Economics. <>

Bich, P., & Teteryatnikova, M. (2023). On perfect pairwise stable networks. Journal of Economic Theory. <>

Bienenstock, S., & Kopp, P. (2023). The extensive reach of the FCPA beyond American borders: Is a bad deal always better than a good trial? Public Choice. Springer, vol. 196(3), pp. 381-401.

Blasco, J. (2023). Elvire Guillaud and Michaël Zemmour, The inequality impact of consumption taxes: An international comparison. Journal of Public Economics. <>

Bogomolnaia, A. (2023). One slots’ scheduling. Economic Theory. <>

Bogomolnaia, A., Holzman, R., & Moulin, H. (2023). On guarantees, vetoes, and random dictators. Theoretical Economics. <>

Bonnet, F., D’albis, H., & Thuilliez, J. (2023). Mortality inequalities in France since the 1920s: Evidence of a reversal of the income gradient in mortality. PLoS ONE. <>

Bonnisseau, J.-M., & Fuentes, M. (2023). Marginal pricing equilibrium with externalities in Riesz spaces. Economic Theory. <>

Bonnisseau, J.-M., Mercato, E., & Siconolfi, P. (n.d.). Existence of an equilibrium in arrowian markets for consumption externalities. Journal of Economic Theory. <>

Busemeyer, M., & Guillaud, E. (2023). Knowledge, skills or social mobility? Citizens’ perceptions of the purpose of education. Social Policy and Administration. <>

Cavalan, Q., Gardelle, V., & Vergnaud, J.-C. (2023). No evidence of biased updating in beliefs about absolute performance: A replication and generalization of Grossman and Owens. Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization. <>

Cavalan, Q., Vergnaud, J.-C., & de Gardelle, V. (2023). From local to global estimations of confidence in perceptual decisions. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General. <>

Chanel, O., Lyk-Jensen, S. V., & Vergnaud, J.-C. (2023). Does affective forecasting error induce changes in preferences? Lessons from Danish soldiers anticipating combat in Afghanistan. Defence and Peace Economics. <>

Chaserant, C., Dauchez, C. N., & Harnay, S. (2023). Vers une clarification de la réglementation notariale sur la publicité personnelle ? La semaine juridique. Notariale et immobilière, n°9, act. 342. <hal-04239118>

Couppey-Soubeyran, J., Dupré, M., & Jany-Catrice, F. (2023). Chroniques critiques de l’économie. Bréal/Studyrama. Livre papier. 448 pages.

Coutrot, T., & Perez, C. (2023). Le sens du travail : Enjeu majeur de santé publique. In Que sait-on du travail ? Presses de Sciences Po. ⟨halshs-04309998⟩

Dauchez, C. N., Chaserant, C., & Harnay, S. (2023). Politiques numériques notariales : L’enjeu de la confiance numérique. La semaine juridique. Notariale et immobilière, 2023, n°9, Étude 1038, p. 47. ⟨hal-04237837⟩

Devetter, F.-X., & Valentin, J. (2023). Long day for few hours: Impact of working time fragmentation on low wages in France. Cambridge Journal of Economics. <>

Estrade, M.-A., & Perez, C. (2023). Formation continue: Organisation, enjeux et trajectoires professionnelles. Action publique. Recherche et pratiques, n°16. Publication trimestrielle en accès libre.

Facchini, F., & Melki, M. (2023). Economic shocks and democratic consolidation: Historical evidence from party-level electoral volatility in France. Electoral Studies. <>

Fontagné, L., Reshef, A., Santoni, G., & Vannelli, G. (n.d.). Automation, global value chains and functional specialization. Review of International Economics. <>

Fontagné, L., Rocha, N., Ruta, M., & Santoni, G. (2023). The economic impact of deepening trade agreements. World Bank Economic Review. <>

Grabisch, M., Monet, B., & Vergopoulos, V. (2022). Subjective Expected Utility Through Stochastic Independence, Economic Theory. Economic Theory. <>

Grabisch, M., & Sudhölter, P. (n.d.). Characterization of TU games with stable cores by nested balancedness. Mathematical Programming. <>

Hainguerlot, M., Gajdos, T., Vergnaud, J.-C., & Gardelle, V. (2023). How Overconfidence Bias Influences Suboptimality in Perceptual Decision Making. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance. <>

Jacquemet, N., & Barnay, T. (2023). Avancées de la recherche en économie de la santé à l’occasion des 43es journées des économistes de la santé français (JESF): Introduction. Revue Économique. <>

Ju, H., & Zeng, Q. (2023). Hercules Haralambides and Yimeng Li, An investigation into the forces shaping the evolution of global shipping alliances. Maritime Policy and Management. <>

Locks, G., & Thuilliez, J. (2023). The impact of minimum income on homelessness: Evidence from France. Journal of Urban Economics. <>

Mandel, A., & Veetil, V. (2023). Disequilibrium propagation of quantity constraints: Application to the COVID lockdowns. Macroeconomic Dynamics. <>

Méjean, A., Pottier, A., Zuber, S., & Fleurbaey, M. (2023). Opposite ethical views converge under the threat of catastrophic climate change. Ecological Economics. <>

Ménard, C., & Damergy, G. (n.d.). Hybrid-within-Hybrid: Governance issues within international airline alliances. European Journal of International Management. ⟨hal-04012166⟩

Meng, B., Chen, S., Haralambides, H., Kuang, H., & Fan, L. (2023). Information spillovers between carbon emissions trading prices and shipping markets: A time-frequency analysis. Energy Economics. <>

Mercato, E., & Nguyen, V.-Q. (2023). Sufficient conditions for a “simple” decentralization with consumption externalities. Journal of Economic Theory. <>

Mermoud, D. L., Grabisch, M., & Sudhölter, P. (2023). Minimal balanced collections and their application to core stability and other topics of game theory. Discrete Applied Mathematics. <>

Monnier, J.-M. (2023). Parlons dette en 30 questions. La documentation française. Doc’ en poche. 3e édition. 98 pages. <>

Pelegrina, G., Duarte, L., & Grabisch, M. (2023). Interpreting the Contribution of Sensors in Blind Source Extraction by Means of Shapley Values. IEEE Signal Processing Letters. <>

Priolo, D., Milhabet, I., Bertolino, M., Juille, T., & Jullien, D. (2023). Would you like some coffee with your sugar? A natural field experiment on the efficiency and acceptability of setting zero sugars as a default in coffee-vending machines. Comprehensive Results in Social Psychology. <>

Recht, S., Mamassian, P., & Gardelle, V. (2023). Metacognition tracks sensitivity following involuntary shifts of visual attention. Psychonomic Bulletin and Review. <>

Reshef, A., & Santoni, G. (2023). Are your labor shares set in Beijing? The view through the lens of global value chains. European Economic Review. <>

Roquebert, Q., & Tenand, M. (2023). Informal care at old age at home and in nursing homes: Determinants and economic value. European Journal of Health Economics. <>

Rouy, M., Roger, M., Goueytes, D., Pereira, M., & Roux, P. (2023). Preserved electrophysiological markers of confidence in schizophrenia spectrum disorder. Schizophrenia. <>

Signoretto, C., & Valentin, J. (2023). Quels changements de comportement des employeurs après l’ordonnance travail instituant le barème et modifiant les règles du licenciement ? Droit Social. n°6, pp.544-550. ⟨halshs-04128658⟩

Thévenot, N., Devetter, F.-X., Geymond, M., Perez, C., & Perraudin, C. (2023). Face à l’éclatement des entreprises, une représentation collective mise en défaut: Une analyse à partir de l’enquête. La Revue de l’IRES. <>