
Publication of the Month

Publication of the Month

Jézabel Couppey-Soubeyran, Pierre Delandre et Augustin Sersiron, "Le pouvoir de la monnaie. Transformons la monnaie pour transformer la société", 2024, Les liens qui libèrent.

Latest publications


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Calabrese, R., Dombrowski, T., Mandel, A., Pace, R. K., & Zanin, L. (2024). Impacts of extreme weather events on mortgage risks and their evolution under climate change: A case study on Florida. European Journal of Operational Research. <halshs-04409393, version 1>

Cariolle, J., Elkhateeb, Y., & Maurel, M. (2024). Misinformation technology: Internet use and political misperceptions in Africa. Journal of Comparative Economics. <halshs-04432322, version 1>

Černý, M., & Grabisch, M. (2024). Incomplete cooperative games with player-centered information. Discrete Applied Mathematics. <hal-04356834, version 1>

Costa-Font, J., Fleche, S., & Pagan, R. (2024). The labour market returns to sleep. Journal of Health Economics. <hal-04331898, version 1>

Dupuy, J., Barnay, T., & Defebvre, E. (2024). Clear as a bell? Policy stringency and elderly health during Covid-19. Social Science & Medicine. <hal-04549298, version 1>

Emmerling, J., Kornek, U., & Zuber, S. (2024). Multidimensional welfare indices and the IPCC 6th Assessment Report scenarios. Ecological Economics. <halshs-04524550, version 1>

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Farchy, J., & M’Barki, J. (2024). Measuring cultural diversity: Policy and methodological issues. European Journal of Cultural Management and Policy. <hal-04494712, version 1>

Fontagné, L., & Limardi, M. (2024). The Generalized System of Preferences and NGO activism. Journal of Development Economics. <halshs-04408964, version 1>

Fontagné, L., Reshef, A., Santoni, G., & Vannelli, G. (2024). Automation, global value chains and functional specialization. Review of International Economics. <halshs-04346960, version 1>

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Prati, A., & Saucet, C. (2024). The causal effect of a health treatment on beliefs, stated preferences and memories. Journal of Health Economics. <hal-04512861, version 1>

Quéinnec, E., & Facchini, F. (2024). La nature a-t-elle besoin de l’administration ? Pour une réévaluation de la propriété privée et du contrat dans la gestion publique de l’environnement. Gestion et Management Public. <hal-04540574, version 1>

Saucet, C., & Hagenbach, J. (2024). Motivated Skepticism<hal-03770685, version 2>

Thuilliez, J., & Touré, N. (2024). Opinions and vaccination during an epidemic. Journal of Mathematical Economics. <hal-04490900, version 1>

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Amossé, T., Askenazy, P., Baghioni, L., Lagerie, P. B., & Benhamou, S. (2023). Que sait-on du travail ? Grand Format-Sc Po.

Andersen, J. V., Cerqueti, R., & Riccioni, J. (2023). Rational expectations as a tool for predicting failure of weighted k-out-of-n reliability systems. Annals of Operations Research.

Barnay, T., & Defebvre, E. (2023). Work strains and disabilities in French workers: A career-long retrospective study. Labour.

Bazillier, R., Gibertini, B., & Jackson, S. (2023). Gold and diamond artisanal mining in Liberia: Under the umbrella of (in)formality? Resources Policy.

Bazillier, R., Magris, F., & Mirza, D. (2023). Labor Mobility Agreements and Exit of Migrants: Evidence from Europe. Kyklos.

Bellora, C., & Fontagné, L. (2023). EU in search of a carbon border adjustement mechanism. Energy Economics.

Bich, P., Chateauneuf, A., & Ventura, C. (2023). Social tension order: A new approach to inequality reduction. Journal of Mathematical Economics.

Bich, P., & Teteryatnikova, M. (2023). On perfect pairwise stable networks. Journal of Economic Theory.

Bienenstock, S., & Kopp, P. (2023). The extensive reach of the FCPA beyond American borders: Is a bad deal always better than a good trial? Public Choice.

Blasco, J. (2023). Elvire Guillaud and Michaël Zemmour, The inequality impact of consumption taxes: An international comparison. Journal of Public Economics.

Bogomolnaia, A. (2023). One slots’ scheduling. Economic Theory.

Bogomolnaia, A., Holzman, R., & Moulin, H. (2023). On guarantees, vetoes, and random dictators. Theoretical Economics.

Bonnet, F., D’albis, H., & Thuilliez, J. (2023). Mortality inequalities in France since the 1920s: Evidence of a reversal of the income gradient in mortality. PLoS ONE.

Bonnisseau, J.-M., & Fuentes, M. (2023). Marginal pricing equilibrium with externalities in Riesz spaces. Economic Theory.

Bonnisseau, J.-M., Mercato, E., & Siconolfi, P. (n.d.). Existence of an equilibrium in arrowian markets for consumption externalities. Journal of Economic Theory.

Busemeyer, M., & Guillaud, E. (2023). Knowledge, skills or social mobility? Citizens’ perceptions of the purpose of education. Social Policy and Administration.

Cavalan, Q., Gardelle, V., & Vergnaud, J.-C. (2023). No evidence of biased updating in beliefs about absolute performance: A replication and generalization of Grossman and Owens (2012. Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization.

Cavalan, Q., Vergnaud, J.-C., & de Gardelle, V. (2023). From local to global estimations of confidence in perceptual decisions. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General.

Chanel, O., Lyk-Jensen, S. V., & Vergnaud, J.-C. (2023). Does affective forecasting error induce changes in preferences? Lessons from Danish soldiers anticipating combat in Afghanistan. Defence and Peace Economics.

Chaserant, C., Dauchez, C. N., & Harnay, S. (2023). Vers une clarification de la réglementation notariale sur la publicité personnelle ? La semaine juridique.

Couppey-Soubeyran, J., Dupré, M., & Jany-Catrice, F. (2023). Chroniques critiques de l’économie. Bréal/Studyrama.

Coutrot, T., & Perez, C. (2023). Le sens du travail : enjeu majeur de santé publique. In Que sait-on du travail? Presses de Sciences Po.

Dauchez, C. N., Chaserant, C., & Harnay, S. (2023). Politiques numériques notariales: L’enjeu de la confiance numérique. La semaine juridique.

Devetter, F.-X., & Valentin, J. (2023). Long day for few hours: Impact of working time fragmentation on low wages in France. Cambridge Journal of Economics.

Estrade, M.-A., & Perez, C. (2023). Formation continue: Organisation, enjeux et trajectoires professionnelles, Action publique. Recherche et pratiques.

Facchini, F., & Melki, M. (2023). Economic shocks and democratic consolidation: Historical evidence from party-level electoral volatility in France. Electoral Studies.

Fontagné, L., Reshef, A., Santoni, G., & Vannelli, G. (n.d.). Automation, global value chains and functional specialization. Review of International Economics.

Fontagné, L., Rocha, N., Ruta, M., & Santoni, G. (2023). The economic impact of deepening trade agreements. World Bank Economic Review.

Grabisch, M., Monet, B., & Vergopoulos, V. (2022). Subjective Expected Utility Through Stochastic Independence, Economic Theory. Economic Theory.

Grabisch, M., & Sudhölter, P. (n.d.). Characterization of TU games with stable cores by nested balancedness. Mathematical Programming.

Hainguerlot, M., Gajdos, T., Vergnaud, J.-C., & Gardelle, V. (2023). How Overconfidence Bias Influences Suboptimality in Perceptual Decision Making. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance.

Jacquemet, N., & Barnay, T. (2023). Avancées de la recherche en économie de la santé à l’occasion des 43es journées des économistes de la santé français (JESF): Introduction. Revue Economique.

Ju, H., & Zeng, Q. (2023). Hercules Haralambides and Yimeng Li, An investigation into the forces shaping the evolution of global shipping alliances. Maritime Policy and Management.

Locks, G., & Thuilliez, J. (2023). The impact of minimum income on homelessness: Evidence from France. Journal of Urban Economics.

Mandel, A., & Veetil, V. (2023). Disequilibrium propagation of quantity constraints: Application to the COVID lockdowns. Macroeconomic Dynamics.

Méjean, A., Pottier, A., Zuber, S., & Fleurbaey, M. (2023). Opposite ethical views converge under the threat of catastrophic climate change. Ecological Economics.

Ménard, C., & Damergy, G. (n.d.). Hybrid-within-Hybrid: Governance issues within international airline alliances. European Journal of International Management.

Meng, B., Chen, S., Haralambides, H., Kuang, H., & Fan, L. (2023). Information spillovers between carbon emissions trading prices and shipping markets: A time-frequency analysis. Energy Economics.

Mercato, E., & Nguyen, V.-Q. (2023). Sufficient conditions for a “simple” decentralization with consumption externalities. Journal of Economic Theory.

Mermoud, D. L., Grabisch, M., & Sudhölter, P. (2023). Minimal balanced collections and their application to core stability and other topics of game theory. Discrete Applied Mathematics.

Monnier, J.-M. (2023). Parlons dette en 30 questions. La documentation française.

Pelegrina, G., Duarte, L., & Grabisch, M. (2023). Interpreting the Contribution of Sensors in Blind Source Extraction by Means of Shapley Values. IEEE Signal Processing Letters.

Priolo, D., Milhabet, I., Bertolino, M., Juille, T., & Jullien, D. (2023). Would you like some coffee with your sugar? A natural field experiment on the efficiency and acceptability of setting zero sugars as a default in coffee-vending machines. Comprehensive Results in Social Psychology.

Recht, S., Mamassian, P., & Gardelle, V. (2023). Metacognition tracks sensitivity following involuntary shifts of visual attention. Psychonomic Bulletin and Review.

Reshef, A., & Santoni, G. (2023). Are your labor shares set in Beijing? The view through the lens of global value chains. European Economic Review.

Roquebert, Q., & Tenand, M. (2023). Informal care at old age at home and in nursing homes: Determinants and economic value. European Journal of Health Economics.

Rouy, M., Roger, M., Goueytes, D., Pereira, M., & Roux, P. (2023). Preserved electrophysiological markers of confidence in schizophrenia spectrum disorder. Schizophrenia.

Signoretto, C., & Valentin, J. (2023). Quels changements de comportement des employeurs après l’ordonnance travail instituant le barème et modifiant les règles du licenciement ? Droit Social.

Thévenot, N., Devetter, F.-X., Geymond, M., Perez, C., & Perraudin, C. (2023). Face à l’éclatement des entreprises, une représentation collective mise en défaut: Une analyse à partir de l’enquête. La Revue de l’IRES.