IV Workshop on ‘Formal and Informal Institutions for Growth and Development’

IV Workshop on ‘Formal and Informal Institutions for Growth and Development’

IV Workshop on ‘Formal and Informal Institutions for Growth and Development’

The fourth edition of the CES inter-departments workshop “Formal and Informal Institutions for Growth and Development” will take place at the MSE and online on November 22-23, 2021.

For this 4th edition, the speakers are:

Stefania BORTOLOTTI (University of Bologna)
Francesco CINNIRELLA (University of Bergamo)
Mark DINCECCO (University of Michigan)
Ryota NAKAMURA (Hitotsubashi University)
Roberto RICCIUTI (University of Verona)
Fabien PETIT (Aix-Marseille School of Economics)

Elisa SICURI (ISGloabl, UB and LSE)


Attendance: To obtain the link to the Zoom event, interested researchers are requested to register here.

The organizing committee includes researchers from different CES departments: Laetitia Duval, Morgane Laouenan, Hélène Latzer, Michela Limardi, Laurine Martinoty, Mathilde Maurel, Luigi Moretti, Jérôme Valette.