Behavioural sciences

Behavioural Sciences

Theme 1 : Behavioural Sciences

  • Responsible: Sarah FLECHE
  • Theme: Interactions and Behaviours

Presentation of the scientific program

The team includes theoretical and applied micro-economists and cognitive psychologists. The study of individual and collective behaviouris at the heart of research with applications in different fields such as health, inequalities, demography, households, organisations, financial risks, etc.

One of the team’s specificities is the significant use of experimental economics. The team run the Experimental Economics Laboratory (LEEP).

The dialogue between psychology and economics for the study of behaviouris a second specificity of the scientific program.

The overall objective is to better understand behaviours. One of the interests of this research strategyis, for example, to enable the implementation of more effective public policies. This applied dimension ispresent in the team’s research work in various fields. In the field of demography, the choices of education, activity status and fertility are studied in particular, with an emphasis on the question of gender stereotypes. In political economy, several projects use both field and laboratory data to study agents’ preferences in terms of redistribution policy, taxevasionbehaviour, social mobility, discrimination on the labour market, impact of managerial decisions, etc. The role of social identities is examined in organizational theory. Finally, a final research theme is the study of financial behaviour in situations of risk and uncertainty.

Seminars and Working Groups

The researchers of the scientific program co-organize and actively participate to several seminars and workshops associated to the Centre d’Économie de la Sorbonne and to Paris School of Economics, in particular :

These seminars are supported by the University of Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne and the Paris School of Economics.

These seminars are co-funded by a French government subsidy managed by the Agence Nationale de la Recherche under the framework of the Investissements d’avenir programme reference ANR-17-EURE-0001.

Economics and Psychology

The seminar takes place on Friday from 11am to 12:15pm

Fabrice Le Lec and Leonardo Pejsachowicz

The political economy of institutional change

The seminar takes place on Friday from 11am to 12:30pm

Jérôme Bourdieu, Elvire Guillaud and Michaël Zemmour


Permanent staff

BLAIN Bastien

Associate Professor


Associate Professor


Deputy Director and Research Fellow

HUBER Hélène

Associate Professor

IOANNOU Christos

University Professor


University Professor


Professor Emeritus


Associate Professor


Associate Professor

SAUCET Charlotte

Associate Professor

SOFER Catherine

Professor Emeritus