
IT Service

The IT Service is an internal service of the CES (Centre d’Economie de la Sorbonne, joint research unit – UMR8174), located at the MSE (Maison des Sciences Économiques) of the University Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne.

The IT infrastructure (network and server) is managed by the DSIUN (Direction du Système d’Information et des Usages Numériques) of the University of Paris 1.

The IT Service at CES acts as the local correspondent for the IT Services of the two CES supervisory bodies, the CNRS and the University of Paris 1. It consists of 2 CNRS agents, who work with 300 users, on a computer park of 450 computers spread over an area of 2800 m² in the building.

In addition to its mission of day-to-day fleet management, the IT Service has an advisory role for the CES members, as well as a role in rationalizing IT practices.

The IT Service has made available to the laboratory members :

  • Shared compute servers,
  • STATA token licenses,
  • MATLAB token licenses for various toolboxes,
  • A shared printing system,
  • An optical character recognition (OCR) solution.

For all requests or problems, to contact the IT Service the user must use only the internal email address of the service.

The members of the IT Service wish to make the support assistance experience always as pleasant as possible for everyone involved.

Contact the IT department

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    Rachad ABIDI – Contact


    Olivier LIFSHITZ –Contact

    IT fleet manager