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Presentation of the book “A New Ecological Contract” – Debate: The Political Means to Achieve Ecological Transition
The CES and the Energy and Prosperity Chair are organizing a debate to mark the release of the book A New Ecological Contract by Emmanuel Combet and Antonin Pottier. The event will feature the authors, along with Marc Fleurbaey and Thierry Pech. The book presentation will take place tonight, Wednesday, May 15, at the Maison des Sciences Économiques, 106-112 Boulevard de l’Hôpital, Paris 13th (Metro Campo-Formio) from 5 PM to 7:30 PM.
In a world facing unprecedented environmental challenges, ecological transition has become an absolute priority. Despite the urgency, implementing this transition remains a significant challenge, often conflicting with other urgent needs and aspirations. How can we reconcile our environmental goals with economic and social imperatives? How can we engage the entire society in building a sustainable common future? What political means can we employ to successfully achieve ecological transition?
Program and Speakers:
5 PM – 6:30 PM: Debate moderated by Antoine de Ravignan, journalist at Alternatives Économiques
- Marc Fleurbaey: Author of Manifeste pour le progrès social, PSE
- Thierry Pech: Overseer of the Citizens’ Convention on Climate, Terra Nova
- Emmanuel Combet: Author of A New Ecological Contract (Puf), to be released on May 22; Ademe, Energy and Prosperity Chair
- Antonin Pottier: Author of A New Ecological Contract (Puf), to be released on May 22; EHESS, CIRED, Energy and Prosperity Chair
6:30 PM: Cocktail
For more information and registration, click here.